Starburst Bull Terriers




Show wins for:


Ch Starburst Wind Beneath My Wings







2 x BOB in Denmark



DTK  Herning 8. November 2008


Starburst Wind Beneath My Wings
"Alma" won the last Clubcertificate for the title of Club Champion  as well as becoming

Bull Terrier of the Year 2008 DTK


Alma in Søndersø February 2008


DTK Søndersø - February 2008

Starburst Wind Beneath My Wings "Alma" 
BOB with club CAC
Breed judge: Elzbieta Chalibog (PL)


Alma, new Danish Champion


DKK Ribe national 7. april 2007
Starburst Wind Beneath My Wings "Alma"  
2. best female in breed & won her 3. CAC & becoming
Danish Champion
Breed judge: Mrs Birgit Seloy (DK)


Alma with her family

Above Alma, Starburst Wind Beneath My Wings,
who lives with Thomas, Tina, Emil, Axel and Asta in Aarhus.









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